Boiler Control - Heizomat-Controller TouchControl TS7

Sensational technology with self-explanatory menu navigation. This is the new Touch Control TS7 with Simatic. 30 years of experience in combustion technology and state-of-the-art Siemens technology characterise the best Heizomat control unit of all time.

Thanks to the industrial quality and the use of Siemens components a global availability of replacement parts as well as a long life cycle are guaranteed.


touch control image

Special features

• Load stage regulation / Firebed forming / Lambda regulation

• Return flow increase

• Return-temperature monitoring

• Operating hours counter for various operation processes

• Sm@rtServer for visualisation on a smartphone or PC

• Selection of various fuels which are freely definable

• Chimney sweep mode for full and part load measurement

• Measured value recording over 2 h or 48 h

• Modbus-TCP interface for building control

• external boiler temperature setting, 0-10 V

• Display as 4 and 7-inch sizes

• and much more!